My two worlds, the blog and my work at
TimeOut , were intertwined this week while preparing an article for Timeout on the new "up-cycling" trend, and the new collection of the fashion house, "
Clements Ribeiro ". For anyone who doesn't read Hebrew and therefore can't read the article, "up-cycling" is a process that takes old garments, recycles and upgrades them into a new outfit, and therefore is both green and creative.
Designers at "Clements Ribeiro" did just that with their newest project "Scarf-Mania". There they took vintage scarfs that they found in their fashion house storage, and made an entire collection out of them. In the article I presented a DIY project showing how anyone can make their own version of Ribeiro's Scarf Mania. To show it off I couldn't think of anyone better than miss DIY herself, Nina. Once Nina was already on board I couldn't resist bringing Yana, our photographer along for the ride, and there you have it - the entire Braids and Bows team on a TimeOut adventure.
The spread in Time out
Ribeiro's Scarf Mania collectionThese are the steps to create your own scarfs dress:
1. What you’ll need is: two silk scarves, a thread, a needle and chalk.

2. Fold 10 cm of the upper part of each scarf.

3. Measure 12-15 cm from the two ends of the folded part of the scarf, and mark it with chalk.

4. Invert the scarves, and stitch the two scarves at the marked places (now you have the opening for the head).

5. Leave enough space for hands, and stitch the two scarves lengthwise.

And now you have a dress!