First of all, we wanted to thank Florrie from
Intrinsically Florrie blog for nominating our blog for the Awesome Girl Award. Thanks Florrie!!!

This is a super simple and super cute DIY project that takes only about 15 minutes.
The belt is made of a chain, in the spirit of the 80', but of course, very relevant for today.
1. The materials you'll need are: a 1 meter chain, a few joining rings and a clasp.

2. Cut 31 cm of the chain

3. Measure 8 cm from the end of the bigger part.

4. Mark for yourself the 8 cm point from the end, and then 28 cm from that point, and add the joining rings at these points.

5,6. Connect the 31cm part to the rings.

7. Add the clasp with a joining ring to one of the ends.

Voila! The belt is ready!
Here, I'm wearing the belt with my H&M dress.

And what do think about my new TopShop cardigan? I fell in love with it!